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Preview — La danza del cambio by Peter M. Senge

« Cada pagina de este libro hace repensar lo que creia saber sobre la materia, Warren Bennis. Cuando una empresa intenta hacer el cambio y da los primeros pasos, surge la pregunta: Que hay que hacer para avanzar? No es facil revitalizar las organizaciones ya que estas disponen de complejos sistemas inmunologicos destinados a dejar las cosas como estan. La Danza del Cambio..more
Published February 1st 2000 by Gestion 2000
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Rating details

Apr 27, 2009Uma rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
The best book I have ever come across for managing Change.. This is a book that would be critical for senior leadership teams, managers and change leaders. It talks about the 10 challenges during the various stages of Change.
A brilliant book full of lessons and workshop material - exercises that can be used on the go with your teams to help them learn not just to cope but to embrace change well.
Oct 19, 2018Bob Wallner rated it liked it · review of another edition
The Dance of Change is the third Peter Senge book I've listened to on audio, and like the Fifth Discipline and the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook, The Dance of Change is not an abridged audiobook. It's selected text read by a narrator and then interjection by the author.
Since this book was titled, The Dance of Change for Learning Organizations, I expected it to be a book on how to implement change within the parameters of a learning organization. What I found; however, was that this book focused on
Jul 25, 2008Robert rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
The Dance of Change: The Challenges to Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations
Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, and George Roth
Currency Press
In this book, Senge and his co-authors focus on three types of challenges when attempting to establish and then develop a “Total Learning Organization”:
The Challenges of Initiating: Not enough time, no help (i.e. mentoring, coaching, constructive criticism), “won’t work,” “tried it last year and it flopped,” not relevant, “not my job,”
Aug 07, 2012Lawrence Linnen rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Senge et al. present a comprehensive examination of sustaining momentum for making changes in learning organizations. They discuss leadership, challenges, and growth processes of profound change through discussion of key change components and the referencing of from several in-depth corporate examples, such as Shell Oil and the U. S. Army. Profound change describes 'organizational change that combines inner shifts in people’s values, aspirations, and behaviors with ‘outer’ shifts in processes, s..more
Dec 05, 2008Rebecca rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This book was required reading in my Management Behavior class, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Senge is the 'inventor' of the 'learning organization' and although it is a bit of pie in the sky for an organization to achieve this status, it never hurts to strive for it anyway. His ideas are innovative and workable. A great read for business/psychology of management.
Nov 24, 2013Nadimuthu rated it really liked it · review of another edition
The 10 challenges to making profound change and the strategies to deal with the challenges are really useful.
Jan 24, 2017JB Radcliff rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Explores the difficulties surrounding change, and how to overcome the need to fall back on your old habits. Change can be good.
Aug 21, 2008Robert rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Follow up to the 5th Discipline. Gives practical advice on how to implement the 5 disciplines.
Jan 24, 2013Denise DeRocher rated it really liked it · review of another edition
An outstanding read on an innovative theory built on a work-relationship-success model. A must read for anyone in any type of business!!!!
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Peter M. Senge is a senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is also founding chair of the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL), a global community of corporations, researchers, and consultants dedicated to the 'interdependent development of people and their institutions.'
--from the author's website